Sunday, 26 January 2014

Let's Talk About Tech Baby!

Tech Nun
It's been a while since I last blogged. A million and one ideas have come and gone, some good, some (really) bad. Maybe one day soon I'll revisit the better ones.

As I read through my previous blog posts (on my other blog - Marked Out) it came to my attention that I quite like giving things a technical slant, if not a blatant focus! And through conversations with many people I have come to accept that I'm a bit of a tech evangelist when it comes to talking with other Christian believers. A lot of talk seems to always gravitate around sharing with others the importance of social media and encouraging them to connect with people through what is still a relatively new paradigm of communication.

I also find that with church leaders, or others that lead in para-church organisations, requests for help and advice regarding social media, web stuff, software (apps) and hardware come around more often than I've previously realised. Therefore I've come to the conclusion that part of my calling in life is to help others take a tech-step up, whether that be a large or small step.

Church has in recent history at the very best been slow to adapt to new ways and new technologies, or at worst failed to connect at all. There are exceptions to most observations of course and just off the top of my head Life Church in the U.S. has been amazing at taking advantage of technological development. You may very well have one of their apps on your smartphone right now as they are the force behind developers YouVersion who created the number one Bible app in most app stores simply and accurately called - 'Bible'. They have followed this up recently with an amazing Bible app for kids. If you've got kids give it a go, you probably won't be disappointed.

So my aim over the next number of blog posts is to give you tools to help you engage with others more effectively using social media as well as provide with ways in which your online/tech experienced can by enriched without leaving you feeling overloaded.

That's the aim ...

... I may get carried away though!

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

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